Enter NextLesson’s “Pin to Win” Real World Learning Contest

Getting students to make the connection between math and the real world can be difficult, but we’ve been hearing that our Performance Tasks have been getting students jazzed about math. (Yay!)

That’s why we’re holding a Pinterest contest to see what YOUR favorite Performance Tasks are! Pin your favorite Performance Tasks from NextLesson for a chance to win a $100 gift card for school supplies!

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Introducing Performance Tasks and Grade-Level Memberships


We have exciting news from NextLesson!

Over the summer, we rolled out a new type of curriculum called Performance Tasks. These are high interest, stand alone activities with real world application to math. Because Performance Tasks use actual data and apply math in real situations, your students will find them engaging and relevant. Whether your students are into sports, books, movies, or technology, you’ll find an edition that sparks your students’ interest.

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